Real-Time Heroes for May

Real-Time Heroes for May

Last April, Paper Label launched our Real-Time Heroes campaign and were blown away by heartwarming stories about incredible people who were nominated by family and friends. And we know that one year later, there are so many more people who deserve to be celebrated.  

For the month of May, in honour of our frontline workers, we are re-launching our Real-Time Heroes initiative to show our sincere thanks to the FRONTLINERS. Whether they are a frontline healthcare worker, grocery or delivery person, postie or just the person that made your day extra special because of their actions, the Frontliners are our Real-Time Heroes. 

Every Friday, in May, Paper Label will gift a lounge item to a special someone working in our communities and keeping us safe. Just watch our social media space for weekly Real-Time Hero posts where you can nominate the heroes in your life. Nominate your hero today!

The nightly salutes in the early days of the pandemic were one way to show healthcare professionals that we appreciate them. Like millions of others, Paper Label wants to share other ways to give back and show support to those that work directly to keep us safe.  For our May Giving Back initiative, we are recognizing organizations that provide direct support to frontline healthcare workers like Care for CaregiversThe Frontline Fund and the Frontline Workers Counseling Project.  


Care for Caregivers - Canadian Mental Health Association B.C.

Care for Caregivers is an online resource established in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to provide support for the dedicated healthcare workers who care for others. Designed specifically for professional healthcare providers, Care for Caregivers provides resources and targeted support for COVID-19 related mental health stressors.  

Care for Caregivers is a partnership between the Canadian Mental Health Association and SafeCare BC with support from the BC Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions. 

Established in 2013, SafeCare BC is an industry-funded, non-profit association working to ensure injury-free, safe working conditions for continuing care workers in BC. SafeCare BC strives to be the industry leader in advancing injury prevention and safety training for long-term care and home support workers through cost-effective training, educational services, and industry safety performance information. SafeCare BC also relays government health and safety legislation and policies which impact their members. 


The Frontline Fund

The Frontline Fund, established in April 2020provides Canadians with a way to donate money that will go directly to more than 100 participating hospitals battling COVID-19 from the frontlines.  

All donations to The Frontline Fund will be shared nationally with the hospital foundations taking part in the initiative and will help to meet the highest-priority needs of hospitals across Canada, including urgent measures to combat COVID-19 and to support Northern Territories and Indigenous Health.  

Donations to The Frontline Fund are directed by the SickKids Charitable Giving Fund based in Toronto and are processed online by CanadaHelps 


Frontline Workers Counseling Project

The Frontline Workers Counseling Project (FWCP) is an initiative that helps connect frontline workers with free, confidential psychotherapy and counseling. Over 450 licensed and insured professional psychotherapists in the San Francisco Bay Area have volunteered to offer free services through the FWCP, representing a wide range of personal and professional backgrounds, including psychologists, licensed clinical social workers, psychiatrists, and marriage and family therapists. 

While the FWCP began with a focus on frontline healthcare workers, it has now expanded to include all essential workers of any kind, including first responders, essential childcare providers, staff of homeless and domestic violence shelters, delivery and postal workers, and grocery/food chain workers. Workers who connect with a therapist through the FWCP become patients in the therapist's own private practice, with an agreement that the worker will not be charged any fees for a predetermined number of sessions indicated in the therapist's listing on their site. The FWCP’s role is to make locating free psychotherapy as quick and easy as possible for overwhelmed, overworked frontline workers. 

The FWCP was co-founded by Elizabeth Rawson, MD and Michael Levin, PsyD in March 2020 as a rapid response to the COVID-19 crisis. Dr. Rawson is a psychiatrist in private practice in San Francisco, and Dr. Levin is a psychologist and psychoanalyst in private practice in San Francisco. 


We all want to give back and now more than ever, it is important to help support healthcare workers and those on the frontlinesIf you are looking for a gift for mom, consider making a difference by selecting one of these causes to honour our Real-Time Heroes. For the month of May, Paper Label will donate 2% of our online sales to a non-profit organization selected by you, our valued customers. 

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